It is often said that dogs, but also cats, are man’s best friends. We try to convince you of this with just 9 reasons and a few gifs.

  1. Because his love is unconditional

People may want to receive something in exchange for their love, but they don’t.  Well, just a little food and take them for a walk.

  1. Because they entertain your son/nephew

Dogs and cats make the best possible babysitters. Thanks to their care you will be able to breathe a little of your son or nephew.

  1. Because they are always happy to see you

And you forget all the tricks of the day.

  1. Why do you have to kick them out of your bed to be able to sleep?

They are so affectionate that they insist on sleeping in your bed. You, who want to make yourself respected and you don’t want him to pick up bad habits, try to throw him out of your bed.

But in reality you are looking forward to their return so that you can sleep cuddled with your dog or cat.

  1. Why do they encourage you to play sports?

If someone accompanies you to run in the park, it becomes more bearable.

  1. Because they inevitably make you smile

They are so charming that with them a smile always escapes you, no matter how bad your day has gone. They are a thousand times more adorable than anyone you know.

  1. Because they are always willing to accompany you on your adventures

Your dog or cat will always be ready to accompany you anywhere without thinking twice. They will accompany you on all your adventures, even if they are crazy.

  1. Because they are always up for an evening of television

There are days when you feel like staying at home quietly watching television or reading a book – and as you get older, it happens more frequently. But, you are in luck because your dog or cat is always willing to accompany you on your relaxing day.

  1. Because they make an effort to get along

They say cats and dogs don’t get along, but your pets make an effort not to fight too much to make you happy.


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