If you are going to adopt a puppy that does not yet have a definitive name and you are trying to find the best nickname for it, we have the solution for you. Take a look at our dictionary of dog names in which we have collected many ideas to call your pet.

There is a bit of everything: names for male dogs and for female dogs, for pets with and without breeds, for large and small dogs, traditional names and other more original ones… What do you think about choosing one of these beautiful dog names that begin with for the U?

Nice names for cute dogs that start with U


Úrsula is a very classy name for a dog with airs of grandeur. It is a nickname that inevitably conveys elegance and good looks, which is why it is a perfect nickname for those little puppies who always walk with their heads held high.

But Ursula is also the name of the wicked witch from Disney’s “The Little Mermaid. ” If you are looking for inspiration to find a different name for your dog, check this list that we have prepared for you with the best names inspired by cartoon villains.


Uggie is the perfect name for a smart and obedient dog; one of those pets that understand you and that speak to you with their eyes. It is a very sweet nickname that will perfectly portray the way your male dog is.

Also, this was the name of the dog in the feature film “The Artist “, a beautiful Jack Russell who won the hearts of everyone who saw the film. With his tricks and his acrobatics, this puppy earned the title of most adorable in the seventh art in recent times.

If you are waiting for the arrival of a terrier in the family, we have compiled for you these other names that you will love. Remember that within the terrier family, breeds such as the bull terrier, the Yorkshire or the westy are included.


If, on the other hand, you are looking for a name for your poodle or poodle, this very funny name may be the one. It may sound a bit ridiculous (because it is) but when you know the story behind this nickname, you will still be more convinced. Uncle Chichi is the longest-lived dog on record, and it was a toy poodle. It is estimated that he lived about 26 years.

If you are superstitious and think that if you give it this nickname your pet will live longer or if you always wanted to have a famous dog, this name can be a good start.

So that it is not such a long name, you can put Uncle, which means uncle. If your puppy is female, name her Auntie. Avoid Chichi because it has a complicated meaning in Spanish.


Uri is a name of Hebrew origin meaning ‘light of God’. If you believe that this puppy has come into your life to illuminate it and fill it with joy, this is the nickname with which it will identify the most. Uri is a name usually associated with the masculine, so it will suit a male dog better than a female.

It could fit any pup, no matter what its breed. However, it is especially easy for us to imagine a Dalmatian with this name. If you are going to adopt a puppy of this breed, we suggest many other ideal nicknames among which you can choose the one that best suits his personality.


Ulysses is the name of the most traveled and intrepid Greek hero, so the puppy that is called that must be very brave and adventurous. It is a name specially thought for all those males who undertake expeditions every time they go to the park, who face other dogs in battles and who are not afraid of anything or anyone.

Ulysses is a very literary name since it corresponds with the name of the protagonist of Homer’s “Odyssey” and also with that of James Joyce’s novel of the same name. Would you like to give your pet a name taken from the books? Literature and its most famous characters have inspired us to collect all these other names. They are going to like you!


And to finish we leave you a name that, although it is a bit obvious, is very original. Would you dare to put Unique or Unique to your pet? It is the nickname that best reflects her special character and her way of being so authentic. With a name like this, it will be rare for you to find your pet’s namesake in the park.


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