Hosting a dog at home is one of the biggest responsibilities that can exist. Taking care of an animal means committing to take care of it, which does not only mean going to the vet from time to time, but also being able to cover each and every one of the pet’s needs, whether physical, mental or social.

If you have chosen to adopt a water dog, you should know that the group of breeds included in this classification are characterized by providing very positive qualities that will quickly create a strong bond between you and your pet.

Once you have made the decision to share your life with what is considered man’s best friend, the next fundamental step you have to take is to choose his name. It is important that you think about it very well and choose a name that perfectly suits your dog’s personality since, after all, it will define him throughout his life, right? We help you in this arduous task by proposing 20 very original names for water dogs. You will love them!

How are water dogs?

Water dogs are medium-sized animals, rather stout and with a high density of woolly, curly fur. They usually measure between 40 and 50 centimeters and a strong, compact and athletic body is hidden under their curly coat. Its name is due to the fact that in the past they were used to collect birds in marshy and marine areas.

Within water dogs, several canine breeds can be distinguished:

  • American water dog
  • Barbet
  • Poodle
  • Spanish water dog
  • Lagotto Romagnolo
  • Portuguese water dog
  • Irish water dog
  • Friesian water dog

The character of this type of dog is admirable. They are friendly, loyal and very playful, although this last quality sometimes leads them to feel jealous when they don’t get to be the center of attention. In addition, they are also characterized by their high intelligence and their great concern for learning. Without a doubt, adopting a water dog is synonymous with sharing happy and unforgettable moments.

Names for male water dogs

If your water dog is male, take note of the most appropriate names for him. You will have a hard time choosing because they are all very original!

  1. Bruno: Bruno is a name of Germanic origin that is highly recommended for medium-sized and very playful dogs. So if your dog is characterized by being very naughty and unruly, you know what to call him!
  2. Coffee: This is a beautiful name for dogs that will be ideal if your pet is brown or brown and white.
  3. Darko: Darko is a word that means that “he has a gift”. If your little dog is smart and cunning, this is the best name for him.
  4. Pirate: Does your dog not stop still for a single second? Is he the most vivacious, mischievous and playful animal in the neighborhood? Pirate is a name that is made for him.
  5. Pufo: Your new pet deserves a very fun and original name such as Pufo. It is a perfect name for all water dogs that are characterized by being active, cheerful and very good. Is it the case of yours? Do not hesitate!
  6. Rufous: Rufous, from the Latin rufus, meaning ‘red, reddish or red-haired’. It is the most common name for reddish colors, so if your puppy has its fur in this color tone, this name is absolutely perfect.
  7. Tommy: Tommy is a name that is usually used for small, black dogs. If your dog meets these characteristics, you may have to seriously reconsider using this name. Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful name?
  8. Tongo: If your dog has gotten you into some trouble because of his antics, Tongo can be a very good name for him. Your pet will feel very comfortable wearing a name like this.
  9. Truffle: Is your dog the color of truffles and also has an incredibly sweet tooth? You don’t have to think anymore! Trufo is his name!
  10. Valley: There is nothing your dog likes more than running on the grass in the park. You must be clear: Valle is the ideal name for him.

Names for female water dogs

Is your pet female? Then look carefully at the following list in which we have selected the most suitable names for female water dogs. irresistible!

  1. Ball: Is your dog like a little ball of hair? Do you want to cuddle her all the time? Ball is a great name for her.
  2. Lala: Lala may be the perfect name that you are looking for for the new inhabitant of your home. It is a dog name that is associated with furry pets that love to always be next to their masters. They also love to climb on the couch and bed!
  3. Lana: Is touching your water dog’s fur like touching a ball of wool? We do not need to explain to you why this name is the right one for her.
  4. Lisa – Lisa is a tailor-made name for pets with a big personality and enormous intelligence. If your dog doesn’t miss a single one, you should call her that!
  5. Luna: Luna is a very pretty name for any dog, although if she is white she will do much better with her personality. Pets that are called that are usually very faithful to their masters.
  6. Doll: Your dog is cute, delicate and very affectionate. In short, she is like a doll. That’s why she deserves a name like this!
  7. Princess: Does your dog look like she’s straight out of royalty? If she is comfortable, sweet and only needs the crown to become a princess, this name is for her!
  8. Tina – Tina is a classic female dog name that never goes out of style. It can refer to the famous singer Tina Turner or it can simply be the diminutive of Cristina. In any case, with Tina you will always be right!
  9. Vera: This name can suit your water dog like a glove. It is perfect for medium-sized female dogs with a big heart.
  10. Whendy: This name is inspired by the well-known character from ‘Peter Pan’ and is ideal for flirtatious and conceited dogs.


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