With too much heat, it is always more difficult to think, so we give you a hand to find the best way to name your new pet. On this occasion, we are inspired by everything that brings one of the best seasons of the year: summer. If you are going to adopt a puppy in the summer, you need these names so refreshing.

The best summer names for your pet

  • Solstice sun. In the northern hemisphere, the solstice that occurs on June 21 gives rise to summer. If you want to give your pet a very affectionate name, but at the same time transmit a lot of power, give it Sol. In this way, you will also be paying tribute to your friend Lorenzo. Sol is a perfect name for both males and females, so it’s up to you.
  • In Egyptian mythology, Ra is the god of the sky, of the origin of life and of the Sun. It is a name that conveys a lot of strength, power and firmness. He will be better suited to large sized dogs such as the Saint Bernard, Great Dane or Mastiff.
  • You see, summer. Elegance, sensuality and glamor are the most remarkable qualities that this name transmits. If you have a dog like a Dalmatian, Labrador or Pomeranian, Vera will suit him very well. This name has an ideal length so that your dog does not have too much trouble learning that it is called that way. The ultimate test to see if this name would suit your pet is to look closely at her face and see if she fits.
  • Although there have been a billion summer songs, the undisputed queen is “La Macarena”. Even though it’s been more than two decades since we first heard her, she’s still capable of getting everyone out of their chairs at any party she plays at. Give your dog Maca and you will make her always the soul of any celebration. Important note: this name is only valid for the saltiest pets.
  • One of the best things that summer brings is ice cream. Just as you can’t trust a person who doesn’t like animals, you can’t trust those who hate ice cream either. As it would be strange to make a monument to ice cream, a good tribute can be inspired by it to choose the name of your dog. You can call him cucu, for his cone. If you call your dog that, you will be giving him the air of a celebrity pet.
  • Apricot Coke. This rich fruit is typical of the summer season. This name is especially appropriate for those pets that have orange colored fur. This hair can occur in pets of breeds such as beagle or pomeranian. If your dog has a very sweet personality and is so adorable that you want to eat him with tomato, this name is perfect for him.
  • Give your dog an international touch by giving it a name in another language. If you translate the word ‘summer’ from English, it means summer. If you call your dog that, every time you give him an order, you will feel like going on vacation. If your dog loves naps in the shade and summery walks in the park, name it Summer. It is a more appropriate name for a female dog, but it will not look bad on a male either.
  • Mojitos are always good, but in summer, much better. This name can look great on a dog because, first of all, it conveys a lot of freshness, but it also shows how adorable your pet is. And most importantly, it is very original, so no one can confuse your pet. If you give your dog this name, you will make him the funniest dog in the park.
  • If you love both your pet and a shadow during the Sevillian summer, this is the name you have been looking for. If you give this name to a dog with black hair, it will be even more fun. This coat color occurs in breeds such as the Scottish terrier, Rottweiler, Doberman or Schipperke. It can also be a great name for those dogs that go crazy when they see their own shadow.
  • There are many ways to beat the heat, but everything seems easier with a good drink in hand. If your dog is always that faithful friend who has what you need, this name can suit him very well. It will look better in male pets, but if you have a female you can give it a name like Fanta, Cola or Horchata. You will conquer anyone with a name like these.


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