History repeats itself, but it is no less painful for that. The dog Aston Mastín did not imagine that when his owner stopped the car in the middle of a road next to a town in Almería and opened the door, he would never see him again. It was not the time for the walk, nor had they made a stop to stretch their legs. His owner left him lying in the gutter without scruples. But even so, this precious dog did not hold a grudge against him. We tell you the exciting story of the abandoned dog that waited for its owner in a ditch for seven days.

The story of an abandoned dog

  • “The story that we share with you today makes our skin crawl and, inevitably, forces us to reflect on how much we must learn from a species as close to us as dogs (if we humans truly intend to evolve positively as a species)”, This is how the animal protector El Refugio presents this moving story, which helped Aston Mastín when they found him abandoned.
  • Despite being left alone on the road, this mastiff never lost hope that his owner, that scoundrel who abandoned him, would return at any time. Luckily, some neighbors fell in love with him at first sight and fed him. They say that, although Aston walked from one side of the road to the other, he always returned faithfully to the same point in the ditch where they left him.
  • When they gained his trust, they contacted the association El Refugio who rescued and cared for Aston until he found a home. The destinies of Sergio and Aston’s family crossed and, according to the former, his was a crush, for which he felt an urgent need to take him home. He even explains that his youngest daughter overcame her fear of dogs thanks to this sweet mastiff.

The new life of Aston Mastín

  • Now, the tables have turned and Aston Mastín even has a documentary on his life. It is called ‘Even if you abandon me, I will continue by your side’ and it has been produced by the protector herself to promote the example. In the film, the story is told of these seven days that the loyal mastiff spent in the ditch waiting for them to come back for him.
  • The kindness of animals becomes even more evident with stories like the one about this abandoned dog. Despite the fact that this heartless owner decided to leave him to his fate in the middle of a dangerous road, Aston’s fidelity and doggy love was much stronger. Don’t you think we still have a lot to learn from our furry friends? An example for everyone.


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