When you try to choose the name of your dog millions of possibilities open up. But what is the best way to call him? If the decision is turning out to be very complicated for you, we are going to go for the simplest: we are going to discard little by little. These are the forbidden names, those that you should never give your dog.

Forbidden names: choose a good name for your pet 

  1. Your name is for you and no one else. If you and your pet share a nickname, your dog will have a harder time learning it. He will not identify it as his own name, but as both of them. He’ll make a mess every time he hears it, since he won’t know if he’s called or you. If you want to be linked to your pet through your names, there are other solutions, such as choosing a name that begins with your initial. For example, if your name is Carmen, put Coco.
  2. Never ever name your dog after a very close relative, and by this we are referring to someone who may come up with some frequency in your conversations. Therefore, names like your mother’s, your father’s, your neighbor’s, your partner’s are prohibited… Otherwise, your new best friend could end up very confused and not paying attention to his name. You decide if naming your dog after a person is your little tribute or, on the contrary, it is demeaning.
  3. Never call your pet after your ex’s dog. Perhaps you were very close to the animal, but if you and your partner have not finished well, whenever you are talking to your dog, the image of your ex will come to mind and it can make you suffer more.
  4. That of your previous pet is one of the names that you should never give your new best four-legged friend. Even though his arrival was intended to fill the gap so big he left you, don’t try to replace him. It is about starting a new love relationship with a new dog. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be fair to him, but it wouldn’t be fair to you either.
  5. Avoid any names that resemble any of the words you use to give commands. For example, don’t put him Noe, because he will confuse it with ‘No’. Don’t call him a Sith either, if you say ‘sit’ to him to sit down. And, of course, don’t put Food on it.
  6. You should refrain from calling him names referring to his puppyhood. Don’t forget that now he may look like just a little ball of fur, but in less time than you think he will become a full-fledged dog. Your 30-kilo Labrador Retriever will have strange nicknames like Bebé, Chiqui or Peque.
  7. Don’t make any name too long, unless you find a cool way to shorten it. If it has too many syllables, like Abracadabra, it will take you much longer to learn.
  8. So that your tongue does not end up in a knot, do not give it any name that you cannot pronounce easily. Remember that sometimes your dog will drive you mad and even when you are angry you will have to say his name. Also, if you say his name in a different way every time, because you don’t know exactly what it is like, he will never learn it.
  9. Never choose a name that could be humiliating for your pet. Remember that it will last a lifetime, so it is worth stopping to reflect on the most suitable one for your dog.

And, of course, avoid any name or nickname for your dog that might be offensive to other people.


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