We know that your pet is special and that is why you want to find the most original and fun name for your puppy. Some funny names depend, logically, on each person’s sense of humor. Others, on the other hand, are at least original or different.

If you want a name that makes a difference for your puppy, in this article we have a dictionary of names for dogs with all kinds of names, original, funny, famous and different. For all kinds of dogs, find the funniest name for your pet.

8 funny names for dogs

  1. This name is very fashionable and every time we know more dogs named Hodor. The name alludes to a well-known character from the Game of Thrones series and besides being his name, it is the only word he knows how to pronounce.
  2. For your cinnamon-colored dog and better if it is small, Cookie is one of the most appropriate and funny names. Imagine the surprise of the people when they hear you shout Cookie in the middle of the street.
  3. If you have a fluffy and playful puppy, Greñas is the ideal name. Fun and original, Greñas will take control of the park for that pimpy and braggart touch that the name gives it.
  4. As with persons, nouns can be made diminutive. You can affectionately call your custard dog Nati in case her name is too complicated for you.
  5. Aceituno or its diminutive, Tuno, is one of the funniest names for dogs. It adapts to any breed of dog, regardless of its size, because Aceituno is a safe bet for your puppy.
  6. It is the name of the dog of one of our most beloved celebrities, Blanca Suárez. It is a fun name for any breed of dog and it also makes a difference.
  7. This name is one of the funniest and funniest dog names. We like it because it gives off affection and it is also very easy for your dog to remember and recognize.
  8. Aristocratic names for people are quite fun when used on pets. Your Federica dog will walk with a noble gait and act like royalty. And if necessary, you can always call her Rica.


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