Star Wars is in style (and always will be). If you are a fan of the usual Star Wars or if you are starting to become fond of it, you have to find a name to match for your pet. If your mind has suddenly gone blank because the task of finding a good name is too complicated, don’t worry! We’ll give you a hand by giving you some name ideas inspired by this movie saga. These are the top 10 Star Wars-inspired dog names.

Star Wars inspires you to choose your dog’s name

Your dog Obi

This name, which refers to Obi-Wan Kenobi, is ideal for dogs of all breeds and of all sizes. Even if you like it a lot, it is a name that does not look bad on female dogs either. It is a short name that your pet will not find it too difficult to learn. There is only one thing to keep in mind: if you use a similar word to give him an order, you better choose another name, since you will only mess him up every time you give him an order.

Chewbacca, as a name for your dog

This Wookiee has a bit of a dog face, so his name might fit your pet very well. If your dog is as loyal and as strong as Chewbacca, consider this name as an option. If this name seems too long (imagine that every time you scold him, you have to pronounce such a complicated name) you can shorten it to Chew. Isn’t he adorable?

Leia the dog  

If you are looking for a name for your female dog, this princess’s name may suit her. He has a nice voice and is short, so he has a lot of strength almost as much as Leia. Leia the dog will delight everyone who has the pleasure of meeting her. This name will be even better on your pet if she is always fighting and nothing scares her.

Han Solo the dog

The character played by Harrison Ford is a favorite of many Star Wars fans. He is a curious name for your pet and it will hit him a lot if he is very brave. For example, it is a name that would fit very well on a pet of the German Shepherd breed, but also on another such as a Maltese. Does your dog have the face of being called Han Solo?

Star, as your dog’s name

This female dog name refers to the Death Star. It is ideal for the most curious and playful pets, because it transmits a lot of energy. It will look good on all breeds of dogs regardless of size. IF you are a little more international, you can choose the English version of the name: Star!

Name your dog Yoda

If your dog barks in a very strange way as if it upsets the order of the barking, you have to call him as the Master. This name is especially good for short dogs, but they exude wisdom. Yoda is a fun name that will draw a lot of attention from everyone you introduce your pet to.

Is your dog Darth Vader?

Being a name made up of two words, Darth Vader is a perfect pet name for true fans of the ‘Star Wars’ saga. For short, you can call him Darth or Vader. Of course, get used to the fact that every time they ask you for the name of your dog you will hear thousands of times that “I am your father”.

Your R2 or D2 dog 

Since calling your dog R2-D2 is a bit long, you can keep either half. For example, you can name it R2 (fingers) or D2 (fingers). They are very original names that will want to copy you as soon as they find out.

Luke the cutest dog

If you name your dog that, people may not associate it directly with Star Wars. Only you will know, so he is perfect for the timidest followers. He is a very beautiful and classic name, so the most conventional owners will like it a lot.

 Get inspired by Padme

If your dog is mesmerized in front of the television when you put a movie in the saga, you have to call her Padmé. This name will be unique to your park, so your dog won’t feel the confusion of having a namesake.

If none of these names convince you too much, you can always be inspired by the pets of celebrities.


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