If you still don’t have a pet, it’s because you don’t really know how much living with an animal can bring to your life, and that is that they become members of our family. His delivery, joy and love is unconditional, no one should spend their life without having a puppy nearby. If, after reading these 5 reasons to have a dog, you decide to take the plunge, first think about adopting.

 5 reasons to have a dog like Blanca Suárez

  • They are faithful to their owners. Loyalty, today, is more difficult to find than a needle in a haystack, finding someone who is by your side without conditions, giving you their love and respecting you at all times is not an easy task. But when it comes to an animal, things change. If you put a dog in your life, he will show you what true fidelity is, as long as you treat him with love, he will be by your side like no one ever will.
  • They fill your emptiness and loneliness. There is no worse feeling in the world than loneliness, a void that leads us to be constantly sad, that ends our desire to smile and in many cases to live. If you’re going through a rough patch, it’s time to bring a furry friend into your life. The simple fact of having to go out for a walk with him will make you clear up and recharge your batteries. You will never be alone again, because your dog will be there to pamper you, play with you and give you his love.
  • Their friendship is sincere. We have all had some disappointment in terms of friendship. Friends who are not so friendly, bad vibes, falsehoods… but, a dog will give you all his friendship in a sincere and open way, he will not have evil, because in his heart there is no place for her. It is enough that you have gestures of affection so that your dog never separates from you.
  • No one will thank you more for your details. Do you feel that nobody knows how to appreciate the details you have? How many times have you thought that you give more than what you receive, well with a furry friend this will not happen to you again? No one knows how to appreciate a gesture or a kind word like an animal… Just by stroking them, giving them a trinket or keeping them clean, they show you their gratitude to infinity and beyond!
  • They are a love. Funny, naughty, playful… dogs are pure energy and love, if you want to feel loved, go out right now and adopt a puppy, only then will you know what true love is.


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